What is Your Rotary Brand?
Jul 19, 2019
Gary Bren
What is Your Rotary Brand?

What is your Rotary Brand? It is more than wearing your Rotary pin and more than your Rotary "elevator" speech. At Lincoln South Rotary Club on July 19 we will hear from Gary Bren, Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator Rotary Zone 28.

Gary Bren joined Rotary in February of 2000 looking for an answer to the question: “what legacy will I leave behind me?”   
Gary says Rotary has provided him with a powerful answer to that question.  He is  a past president of Omaha Downtown, past District Governor, an Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator, and the current treasurer for District 5650.  
In his vocation, he is the co-founder and managing partner of Turner Technology, a 28 year old technology services company with locations in Omaha and Holdrege, NE.  
Gary is married to his wife Gretchen and he tells everyone that she is 100% of the look and 95% of the brains in the family.  She is also a very engaged Rotarian, having been on 15 Polio immunization missions to countries across African and southern Asia.