We all know why we are members of Rotary. At the heart of it, we believe in Service Above Self, and we believe in practicing the Four Way Test.
Yet, how many times have you told someone you are a member of Rotary, and they ask, “What is Rotary?”
Besides giving them a brief “elevator speech” of what Rotary is and what we do, please consider inviting someone to be your guest at one of our meetings! Let them experience us . . . experience our club . . . and gain a bit of insight into Rotary.
Sometime between now and the end of this year -- that is the next 4 ½ months -- ask someone to join you at one of our Rotary lunches. It could be a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor, a family member, or some other social contact. They don’t have to be interested in being a member of our club – but they will always be welcome and invited to join us.
The perfect opportunity to bring someone is to our August 30th meeting where our new Nebraska Athletic Director, Troy Dannen, will be the speaker. Think about who you know that might be interested in meeting Troy and hearing what he has to say to us. This is a very special opportunity.
Please do your part to help spread the world of Rotary . . . and ask people to join us!