Lincoln South Rotary Club is supporting Little Free Pantries as an ongoing project. Suni and Srini learned on Christmas Eve that all of the Little Free Pantries were empty.
They headed out with their son Leo, bought groceries and stocked pantries.
There is obviously an ongoing need. And, there are some times that are harder than others such as Holidays and extreme weather.
Lincoln South Rotary Club has adopted the support of the Little Free Pantries as an ongoing project.
You can purchase items and bring them to a Rotary Club Meeting. Michael will stock the pantries with your purchases. Or, you can donate cash to those purchasing groceries. Or, fill a pantry directly. There are nearly 50 Little Free Pantries in our area - click here for a listing and map of locations.
Take a selfie and send to
The list and map is a link from the Little Free Pantries Facebook page -